Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Dear Daniel Craig

Dear Daniel,

Life can be a funny thing. And I don’t mean a joyous laughing kind of thing. I mean a boot to the gut, kick in the teeth, ironic kind of thing. One where people on the outside looking in say gee, everyone loves you and supports you and want to be around you. When behind the scenes your juggling a million different things that pose a threat the one thing you value most of all. The one thing you cannot do without. The one thing that without none of those lovely things are possible.
For me it’s my sanity.

For me, it’s merely frustrating and irritating when a business marketing plan, has to regroup and reassess what it’s plan of action is going to be when someone with sour grapes has your account blocked on social media. Eventually I’ll be out FB Jail and we’ll be to look over our marketing plan in the interim.

No, the stuff that stops me cold is when a small group of people desperate for money and power, grab it at the expense of real live people and their healthcare.

What pray tell, you may ask does this have anything to do with me and my sanity. It has everything to do with it. You see, the current Congress and Senate (brought to you by Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell for those of you keeping score) saw fit to cram every undesirable element of the Republican platform and crammed it on to this so called tax cut bill. And our venerable (tongue very much in cheek here) president signed it.

And tonight when I went to pick up my bipolar meds on MY MEDICARE insurance I had to leave half my prescriptions behind. So tonight I am filled with an incredible amount of anxiety without any remedy to be had. I am far passed being able to calm down and creating anything at all seems to be a moot point.

You see I am on 11 medications. Most of them for bipolar disorder. I’m pretty sure politicians could give a fuck about their constituents especially the ones that voted for that tax cut. I signed every petition that came my way. I called my senators even though Rand Paul Mitch McConnell are snakes I thought I would do my civic duty.

So to those who voted these clowns into office, if you are like and are an independent artist, filmmaker, author or small business owner why the hell didn’t you call these people. This caught me off guard at a bad time, and I *KNEW* it was coming. To those of you who have helped me or ever championed me, this message is not intended for you.

My message is intended for the so called public servants in the WH, Congress and Senate who lie on daily basis who treat public service like a business (which you cannot, it just doesn’t work that way).

So I think I’m lucky. Right now, my parents are alive. Mom is a retired school teacher and Dad is a working Public Defender. They and Missy are all that stands between me, homelessness, hunger and insanity. Pray for me, pray for those like, and yes pray for those in my situation who make decisions that are not just bad for themselves but that impact others like them.


Amy McCorkle

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